Install the React Magma component library, and start using Cengage-themed, accessible components in your application.
For more information, including information on contributing to React Magma and running the project locally, visit the Github Repo.
Setup Requirements
- Your project needs to be running React v16.5 or greater
- Icons must be installed as a peer dependency
Install the Component Library
Install the React Magma Component library with npm
npm install --save react-magma-dom
Install peer dependencies
npm install --save \"@emotion/core@10.0.35" \"@emotion/styled@10.0.27" \"date-fns@2.16.0" \"downshift@5.4.7" \"framer-motion@^4.1.11" \"react@16.13.1" \"react-dom@16.13.1" \"react-magma-icons@1.0.2" \"uuid@8.3.0"
Icons Only
The Icon library is not dependent on react-magma being used. react-magma-icons
can be used independently by installing the package as a dependency in your project.
npm install --save react-magma-icons
Known Issues
Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree
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