Component API
Basic Usage
The Modal
component renders its children
node in front of a backdrop component. It also disables scrolling of the page content while open,
properly manages focus; moving to the modal content, and keeping it there until the modal is closed, and adds the appropriate ARIA roles automatically.
The modal will only render if the isOpen
prop is set to true. For that reason, it is redundant to show the modal using the following anti-pattern: {flag && <Modal isOpen={flag} />
. Instead,
simply use <Modal isOpen={flag} />
Although not required, it is helpful to inform users (especially screen reader users) when a button or link will trigger a modal dialog. This can be done by supplementing the button label or link text with "(opens modal dialog)" using the VisuallyHidden component.
import React from 'react';import { Button, Hyperlink, Modal, VisuallyHidden } from 'react-magma-dom';export function Example() {const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false);return (<><Modalheader="Modal Title"onClose={() => setShowModal(false)}isOpen={showModal}><p>This is a modal, doing modal things.</p><p>This is <Hyperlink to="#">linked text</Hyperlink> in the modal</p><p><Button>This is a button</Button></p><p>This is <Hyperlink to="#">some more linked text</Hyperlink> in themodal</p></Modal><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal<VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button></>);}
Sizes for modals include small
, medium
, and large
, with medium
being the default value.
import React from 'react';import {Button,ButtonSize,Modal,ModalSize,VisuallyHidden,} from 'react-magma-dom';export function Example() {const [showSmallModal, setShowSmallModal] = React.useState(false);const [showLargeModal, setShowLargeModal] = React.useState(false);return (<><Modalsize={ModalSize.small}header="Modal Small"onClose={() => setShowSmallModal(false)}isOpen={showSmallModal}><p>This is a small modal, doing small modal things.</p></Modal><Modalsize={ModalSize.large}header="Modal Large"onClose={() => setShowLargeModal(false)}isOpen={showLargeModal}><p>This is a large modal, doing large modal things.</p></Modal><Button size={ButtonSize.small} onClick={() => setShowSmallModal(true)}>Show Small Modal<VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button><Button size={ButtonSize.large} onClick={() => setShowLargeModal(true)}>Show Large Modal<VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button></>);}
Modal Header
The modal header prop is optional. It can accept a node or a string, and will be rendered inside an H1. If there is a header passed in, the focus will be placed on the header when the modal opens. If not, the focus will be placed on the first actionable element.
import React from 'react';import { Button, Modal, ModalSize, VisuallyHidden } from 'react-magma-dom';export function Example() {const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false);const [showModalHeader, setShowModalHeader] = React.useState(false);return (<><Modalsize={ModalSize.small}onClose={() => setShowModal(false)}isOpen={showModal}><p>This modal has no header.</p><div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(false)}>OK</Button></div></Modal><Modalheader="This modal has a header"size={ModalSize.small}onClose={() => setShowModalHeader(false)}isOpen={showModalHeader}><p>This modal has no header.</p><div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}><Button onClick={() => setShowModalHeader(false)}>OK</Button></div></Modal><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal with no header<VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button><Button onClick={() => setShowModalHeader(true)}>Show Modal with header<VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button></>);}
Hide Close Button
The close button can be hidden by using the isCloseButtonHidden
prop. If this prop is used, it is mandatory to provide another way to close the modal.
import React from 'react';import { Button, Modal } from 'react-magma-dom';export function Example() {const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false);return (<><Modalheader="Modal Title"isCloseButtonHiddenonClose={() => setShowModal(false)}isOpen={showModal}><p>The standard modal close button is hidden.</p><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(false)}>Close this Dialog</Button></Modal><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal</Button></>);}
Custom Close Button
If you would like to add a custom close button to the Modal
be sure not to use the same onClose
function as it will mean that the function will be called twice (once internally and once by react-magma
import React from 'react';import { Button, Modal, VisuallyHidden } from 'react-magma-dom';export function Example() {const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false);const [magmaCloseCalledTimes, setMagmaCloseCalledTimes] = React.useState(0);const [internalCloseCalledTimes,setInternalCloseCalledTimes,] = React.useState(0);function closeModal() {setMagmaCloseCalledTimes(magmaCloseCalledTimes + 1);setShowModal(false);}function customCloseModal() {setInternalCloseCalledTimes(internalCloseCalledTimes + 1);setShowModal(false);}return (<><Modal header="Modal Title" onClose={closeModal} isOpen={showModal}>Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet<Button onClick={customCloseModal}>Close Modal</Button></Modal><p><strong>Magma Close Called Times:</strong> {magmaCloseCalledTimes}</p><p><strong>Internal Close Called Times:</strong> {internalCloseCalledTimes}</p><Button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal <VisuallyHidden>(opens modal dialog)</VisuallyHidden></Button></>);}
Modal Props
This component uses forwardRef
. The ref is applied to the div
element that wraps the Modal content.
All of the global HTML attributes can be provided as props and will be applied to the div
element that wraps the modal content.
= required prop
Property | Type | Default | Description |
children Required | ReactNode | undefined | - | The content of the component |
closeAriaLabel | string | "Close dialog" | The text read by screen readers for the close button |
closeButtonSize | function | - | Style for the modal container |
containerStyle | CSSProperties | - | Style for the modal container |
header | React.ReactNode | - | The content of the modal header |
isBackgroundClickDisabled | boolean | false | If true, clicking the backdrop will not dismiss the modal |
isCloseButtonHidden | boolean | false | If true, the close button the the modal will be suppressed |
isEscKeyDownDisabled | boolean | - | If true, pressing the Escape key will not dismiss the modal |
isOpen | boolean | false | If true, the modal will be visible |
onClose | function | - | Action that fires when the close button is clicked |
onEscKeyDown | function | - | Action that fires when the Escape key is pressed |
size | enum, one of:ModalSize.large ModalSize.medium ModalSize.small | ModalSize.medium | The relative size of the modal |
testId | string | - | Test ID attached to an internal element as `data-testid` for consumer testing |
unmountOnExit | boolean | true | If true, the modal will removed from the DOM when closed |